Demis Bucci

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About me:
My name is Demis Bucci, I'm working with nature more than ten years (since 2011/12), but I'm a birdwatching since 2006. All my childhood I loved nature in general, mainly birds, I was live in a countryside of Sao Paulo state, where birds showing up all the time. Growing in a Musician family listening all the time about the right sound and right time, provide me a good ear, and nowadays I can use this for songs of birds. About eight years I working only in Atlantic Forest of Southeast Brazil, but in 2019 I started to go to the Pantanal biome and love it! I always knew Pantanal will be easy to work, because the light is fantastic, the birds showing up better than Atlantic Forest, because is more open area to work and was perfect! With big groups or small I working since 2019 in this fantastic place, over to Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul every time providing the comfort of clients, of course the birds and wildlife is important to show, but for me, the goal is providing a good experience in my clients, feeling what they want in that moment and try to do my best to cover it. On the trails take care where they walk, if they caring things to help it, to get a good experience in general.

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Demis Bucci - Orniverse