Peter Ericsson

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About me:
I have lived in Thailand since 1982. Been birding since 1991 and now at 909 species for the country whereof I have photographed 797! I offer personal tutoring for photography, shore birds and birding in general. I enjoy bird sounds and have many recordings uploaded to eBird and Xeno-Canto. Also a daily user of eBird. Beginners or advanced birders are all welcome but not 'stamp collectors'! Ha! I also organize tours to many places in Indonesia i.e. West Papua, Sulawesi, Halmahera, Java, Lesser Sundas. Sabah is another destination as is Bhutan. My triips are not only about birds but also culinary arts and are conducted in a pleasant mode with as little stress as possible. You can find me on Facebook, Pbase and many a birding site.

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Peter has contributed information on 16 sites

Peter Ericsson - Orniverse