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About me:
Tour Guide based in Namibia and conducts tours in Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia. I have worked in Kafue National Park, Hwange National Park and Etosha National Park. I have worked in a couple of private game reserves and concessions Zimbabwe and Namibia. Currently I conduct specialized conservation tours in Namibia, general tours and specialized birding tours around Southern Africa. Passionate about nature, I am a keen bird watcher as well as an individual who enjoys reading extensively about the finance sector and its influence on the agricultural and tourism industry. In as much as I still enjoy watching mammals in my guiding career, I find birding intriguing as it poses challenges for a guide that has been over 15 years in the field! I run a Tour Operating Company, PEA Tours and Safaris that conducts tours in Southern Africa. I personally conduct any specialized tours that we offer, and other general tours are done by our guides.

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