Carina Benente

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About me:
I'm Carina Benente. Since I was a little girl my parents have shared with me their love for nature, which made me travel to many places of my country. I was born in Buenos Aires Province and I arrived at Patagonia 29 years ago, looking forward to studying a career that would let me carry out my passion for nature and somehow collaborate in its conservation. My studies in biology led me to the world of tourism, and finally I became a Professional Tourist Guide. Later the world of birds caught me and made me continue travelling in my country and abroad, doing activities such as studies and working as a Bird Guide. Since 2019, I have lived in Puerto Pirámides town, which is located in Península Valdés Protected Area. Today I enjoy the nature, and this profession with the same pleasure I did 27 years ago, conveying the value of our cultural and natural heritage to people from all around the world.

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Carina Benente - Orniverse