Randy Vickers

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About me:
Randy is a very dedicated naturalist guide specialized in Ecuadorian fauna (particularly birds). Originally from the northeast of the United States, he has been showing other nature-loving adventurers the joys and jewels of Ecuadorian forests for over 15 years. With a natural knack of finding wildlife, he enjoys being in the great outdoors finding, observing, showing, and interpreting as much as possible in his surroundings with anyone who is interested. He feels at home birding anywhere in the megadiverse country with lots of experience all the various ecosystems from the Galapagos islands, Pacific coast, Choco & Tumbes lowlands, cloud forests, Andean montane forests, highlands, interandean valleys, and even the thick inner depths of the Amazon basin. Randy studied Ecology, Wildlife Conservation, and Entomology in the University of Delaware; Neotropical Ecology in the Universidad de San Francisco de Quito; and National Guide and Touristic Administration in the Instituto Tecnológico Internacional in Quito.

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Randy Vickers - Orniverse