Robert DeCandido PhD

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About me:
I've been leading bird walks in Central Park since the late 1980s (more than 30 years); have a PhD in evolutionary biology with many publications on the flora of NYC (including Central Park); the night migration of birds from the top of the Empire State Building (including Ospreys migrating at night, and Peregrine Falcons regularly hunting night migrating birds)...the American Kestrels nesting in NYC (60+ pairs); as well as the Owls of NYC...the History of Nesting Warblers in NYC. Further afield I help start globally significant raptor (+ bird) migration watch sites in Thailand, Malaysia and Nepal with scientific publications from each of these locations. My team and I mapped out spring and then southbound numbers/timing of Bee-eaters (3 species), Black Drongos and 20+ raptor species including Black Baza, Oriental Honey-buzzard and Chinese Sparrowhawks. In Nepal we published papers on the east to west migration of Steppe Eagles and 5 vulture species...Anyway, these days I do bird walks more or less year round with Deborah Allen who is finishing a book on the history of the birds of Central Park. We enjoy being with people and seeing birds with everyone from around the world. One note: on our bird walks, we use sound extensively to bring in birds to us...we consistently see more species and individuals using this method. Come see what we do and how we do it...ask questions, we are happy to teach. And for $10/person for our Central Park bird walks - what else can you do for $10 in NYC? We are also available for private tours in Central Park and the tri-state area - we have an SUV and can take you to see Harlequin Ducks, Snowy Owls...whatever you want to see.

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Robert DeCandido PhD - Orniverse