Roland Rumm

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About me:
Roland Rumm ventured into the world of birding relatively recently but quickly established himself, driven by a lifelong passion for the tropics and nature, which had captivated him since his parents relocated to Honduras in the 1990s. Born in Germany in 1983, Roland relocated to Honduras with his parents at the age of 12. Immersed in the new tropical environment, Roland's interest blossomed, and during his teenage years, he extensively explored the Honduran north coast and the islands of the western Caribbean. It wasn't until 2015, due to the absence of field guides and fellow birders, that Roland finally entered the captivating world of Central American birding. Since then, he has dedicated thousands of hours to fieldwork and has been professionally guiding birding tours throughout northern Central America since 2017. His contributions include the discovery of three country records for Honduras, and he serves as a regional eBird reviewer in the area. Roland possesses an extensive understanding of local culture and history, earning recognition and respect throughout the region. As one client aptly noted: "The secret password for Central America might just be 'Roland Rumm,' as it appears to open all doors and elicit joyful smiles." Roland resides on the island of Guanaja, situated 40 miles north of Trujillo, Honduras, with his wife Julia and their two sons. When not exploring the lowland rainforests of the region or scaling remote volcanoes in Guatemala, you can find him there.

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Roland Rumm - Orniverse