Rolin Flores Raymondi

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About me:
Rolin Flores Raymondi was born in Manu Park in Diamante's hometown. He began his career in the Tambopata National Reserve and the Bahuaja Sonene National Park, where he trained as a naturalist and worked as a resident guide. He perfected her skills as a bird guide in the Bahuaja Sonene National Park and manu cloud forest working with the most recognized, one of them is the ornithologist Ursula Valdez.In 2015, Rolin Flores has traveled many well-known birdwatching routes such as ( north, mountain, jungle). Rolin Flores specializes in bird watching and ecology and tropical nature tours, knows the native communities and speaks two native languages ??(Yine and Machiguenga) in addition to Spanish and English, Portuguese. Rolin is now one of South America's bird experts travels birdwatching is his passion for the countries since childhood my record list of birds peru is 1515, 2157 list of south america, I work with southwild charles munn as a guide in brazil chile.

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