Zuzanna Pestka

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About me:
Since I remember, I have always been into nature and ecology, with the main interest in birds. Following my greatest passion, I defended Masters’ degree from biology with specialization in animal ecology at the University of Gdansk. As a student, I was a leader of Students’ Ornithological Society and participated in various scientific and educational projects, including bird ringing camps, nature monitoring and environmental education. I’ve also developed my ecological interests and skills working as a PhD Candidate at the Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology in Gdansk. My professional experience includes birds’ monitoring, bird ringing, environmental assessment, environmental education as well as guiding tourists through unique polish nature (like Pomerania, Biebrza, Biaowie?a or Milicz Fishponds). Showing the natures’ uniqueness to visitors gives me a sense of true happiness and satisfaction. Nevertheless, not only birds has dominated my world ;) Due to the true love towards nature as a whole, I’ve gained knowledge about other animal groups, including mammals or amphibians, as well as plants. When I need to cleanse my mind, I take a walk and collect wild plants or track mammals. I used to travel a lot, mainly around Poland and Belgium, discovering the most precious nature refuges, with the Pomeranian region and Biebrza river surroundings as my beloved. Currently, I live with my family (husband and 3-year old boy) in a small village in the Barycz Valley - the extremely biodiverse area along the Barycz river, full of man-made fishponds around Milicz town (Milickie Fishponds). This area is protected due to its unique, diverse landscape and wildlife e.g. as nature reserves, Natura 2000 sites and is also the Ramsar site. I’d love to show you around this amazing place!

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Zuzanna has contributed information on 2 sites

Zuzanna Pestka - Orniverse