Alex Mwangi 0 Testimonials

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About me:
I was born and raised at the foothills of Mt. Kenya; where my interest in nature and animals began. Today, I enjoy working as a naturalist in the beautiful Mt. Kenya region, Africa’s second highest mountain . I am a certified guide and member of the Kenya Professional Safari Guides Association (KPSGA). I am passionate in research and biodiversity profiling projects. While in campus, I conducted a research project on the population of Hinde’s Babblers in the Mukurwe-ini region; an endangered species that is also endemic to Kenya. I have also completed a certificate course in Fundamentals of Ornithology at Elsamere Field Study Centre. I am a member of Nature Kenya- the East Africa Natural History Society. I have continued to enrich my skills by leading Wildlife and Birding Tours across various birding hotspots in Kenya, making me an all rounded guide.

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I am happy to guide you at the following sites:


Alex Mwangi - Orniverse