Johnnie Kamugisha 15 Testimonials

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About me:
My name is Johnnie Kamugisha and I have loved nature since my childhood. When I and seven others started the Uganda Bird Guides Club, I was elected the first President of the Club. Currently, I am the Chairman of the Uganda Safari Guides Association. I studied Tourism and Travel Agency management in the United Kingdom. I am a member of the American Birding Association. I am a member of Nature Uganda. I strive to handle trips to detail. I am a conservationist, a specialist in Birds and wildlife. I offer simply the best, be it wildlife and bird safaris, Ape and Primate trekking, you name it, in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, and more. I have written an introduction to Butterflies of Uganda book. I have written a 20-page practical book for new guides, and more books are on the way. You need a trip of a lifetime, consider it done by touching base.

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I am happy to guide you at the following sites:


Johnnie Kamugisha - Orniverse