Sergey Panayotov 0 Testimonials

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About me:
wildlife and nature photographer He has practiced wildlife photography since 1996. His favorite genre is nature photography, but he also likes to take photos of faces and emotional expressions of people in their natural environment. NatureTravel's founder and photographer Sergey Panayotov wins the second prize in contest for video clip of regional brand "Strandja": He is member of Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) since 1995. He has participated in most of the major BSPB projects and public awareness campaigns. Founder of non commercial web sites for all European birds and Bulgarian birds. Sergey graduated from the Technical University - Varna and now is master of engineer design. Since the year 2000, in parallel with his photography activity he founded prepress and design in Pulse Design advertising studio. Now he works as a manager and designer. Since 2018, I have renovated an old house in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains, a vulture and unique birds of prey area. The house is turned into a guest house with private baths and a very pleasant atmosphere. More information about the house on More about me you can find in: Authentic guest house in the mountain: Photo bird tours: All Bulgarian birds with photos and videos in one place:

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Sergey Panayotov - Orniverse