Victor Do Nascimento 0 Testimonials

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About me:
Victor do Nascimento or Vitinho I am from the Pantanal, born and raised on the Caiman Ecological Refuge (Pantanal de Miranda) - Mato Grosso do Sul. Started as a tractor driver on the farm and with tourism I had the opportunity to change the course of my history, I worked as a driver, field guide and local guide for more than 20 years at this farm. Today have more than 30 years of experience in wildlife tourism specializing in bird observation and photography. I have worked and still work with renowned companies in the world in this area, such as Field Guides, International Expeditions, Rockjumper Birding Tours, Boute Expeditions, Birding Pantanal, Biodiverse Brazil Tours. Had the opportunity to improve my knowledge with trips and immersions in nature and guiding techniques in Costa Rica, the United States and South Africa. I am a bilingual naturalist guide specializing in bird watching/photography, providing services to different companies in Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso, as well as my own bird watching tour agency in Mato Grosso do Sul, Vitinho Birdwatching Tours. ( Leading field training of bird watching for the guides at the Caiman Ecological Refuge since 2012. I live in Bonito/Mato Grosso do Sul.

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I am happy to guide you at the following sites:


Victor Do Nascimento - Orniverse