Desi Ayu Triana 0 Testimonials

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About me:
You can call me Eci or Datriana. I`ve been birder since 2010 when I started being a student of Biology Department at State University of Jakarta. Then 2014 I started being a guide when my friends (Khaleb & Boas The Jakarta Birder) suggested me to be. Much time spent on guiding at Muara Angke, Jakarta Bay, Ragunan, Monas and nearby. But others like: Mt.Gede, Cibodas, Bogor, Carita, Mt.Halimun, and Way Kambas too. Or any place you wish for birding, will be my pleasure :) For my self, I did birding in Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok, Makassar (part of Sulawesi), and Banda island (part of Moluccas). I am talkative, hopefully not a shit and you will enjoy your time with me :D

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I am happy to guide you at the following sites:


Desi Ayu Triana - Orniverse