Richard Raby 0 Testimonials

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About me:
I'm a British expat living Close to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where I have a largish lagoon side house in the small coastal town of Marica. I've previously organised and guided birdwatching and Butterfly photography trips in my region of South Eastern Brazil. Today I'm retired and offer my services as a more generalized birding-guide to those visitors demanding a little more than just birds. I offer local observation and photography opportunities covering all aspects of our amazing native fauna and flora that includes, but is not restricted to, Birds, mammals, reptiles & Amphibians, plants and with special insight into the local Butterflies (on which subject I am a fully registered IBAMA researcher). I specialise in trying to help plan your multi-centre trip where I may pick-you up and maybe drop you off at other naturalist centres (or maybe your Rio hotel ?). I also offer multicentre trips, concentrating on Birds and/or Butterflies and covering 3-5 locations within the Rio de Janeiro state region.

See my contributions to site descriptions


Connect with me

I am happy to guide you at the following sites:


Richard Raby - Orniverse